Hello again, at the time of writing its currently New Year's Eve 2024, so happy new years. Originally i wasnt going to do anything for new years since i have no interest in celebrating holidays anymore, but hey, i havent made any blog posts in a while, and what better time to write one than when most people are being a bit retrospective anyways?

Honestly im not sure what to write, but i feel that i should atleast write something about my past year. I didnt really do a whole lot, just going to classes, going home, falling onto my bed and sleeping the rest of the day away. Its been like that for the past 2 years to be honest, just going to class, home, class, back home, back to class. I havent really left my house at all, only to accompany someone else or to go buy something i need. I dont exactly see that changing in the coming years.

Doesnt mean ive just been rotting in my room all year though! Well, i basically have, but ive been doing other stuff too! I think ive been doing a good job of keeping my room clean, though it still gets a bit dusty... and i feel like ive stopped caring so much about what other people think of me and my interests. May not be alot, but hey atleast its something!

Thats all i have to say really, like i said i havent done a whole lot this year. Maybe thatll change next year. Cant really say i have any goals for next year, maybe to finally pick up a pencil and draw? I dont really know, ive never been one to do resolutions or whatever. Anyways, bye!!! :-)
